Plum fruit vinegar

The vinegar for moments of intensive taste
Many years of experience in vinegar production at Pödör are put to good use in plum vinegar. This is because a keen sense for the right moment to harvest is required to be able to capture the full taste in the bottles. That is the secret of plum vinegar from Pödör: Only plums which are fully mature when harvested result in the most intensive taste. Without the addition of any chemical preservation or flavoring substances.
A further sign of quality is the controlled fermentation which is even more important in plum vinegar than in other kinds. During both fermentation processes the temperature and the feeding of oxygen are constantly monitored so that the bacteria can do their job optimally. After fermentation plum vinegar matures in wooden casks until it is bottled and finally makes its way to you.
Many healthy substances are contained in plum vinegar namely the ones which make the fruit itself so invaluable. Vitamins, minerals, and trace elements are good for your body and also a joy when consumed in this manner. Acetic acid however is a substance that was not contained in the ripe fruit but which develops during the fermentation process. It purifies from within, has an anti-bacterial effect and neutralizes imbalances in the pH value of the human organism.
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